Technology has become an integral part of our lives and benefits us in many ways. Businesses have also evolved with time, roping in modern technology to enhance process efficiency.

Organizations have to deal with tons of paperwork every day, from invoices, reports, forms, hard copies of projects, etc. It can become cumbersome to store and organize all these physical documents; it is practically unimaginable to locate and access them later when needed.

Content conversion services use advanced technology to convert physical documents to a digital format. Digitization ensures that all the data is safely uploaded to a cloud or server. The content conversion services industry is booming; it is expected to reach a market share of $540.8 billion in 2032 from $38.9 billion in 2022

Further, with content conversion, you choose the better eco-friendly alternative, eliminate storage issues, and optimize the retrieval and access of all the crucial documents, reports, receipts, statistics, presentations, etc. Content conversion services thus come in handy for any organization that wants to do away with the hassle of storing piles of paperwork. 

Table of Contents:

Let us look at some of the most used content conversion services across different fields:

  • PDF Conversion

When a book has to be digitized or any other lengthy text-based document is to be converted, PDF is the most suitable option. The PDF format enables readers to search and find information through keywords and metadata. Hence, books, journals, reports, brochures, etc., are converted to PDF. 

  • HTML to PDF Conversion

Content conversion makes it easy to change HTML files, like your website pages, into PDF files. Content conversion tools enable you to convert HTML to PDF directly from the internet browser. After the conversion is complete, you can save the file on the cloud or your device.

  • Conversion of Photos to Digital Images

Businesses that deal with portfolios might want to maintain an online digital presence. If they have print copies of the pictures of their projects, they convert those photos into digital files (JPEG or TIFF) with the help of a scanner. 

  • Conversion to XML

Most of the original data of an enterprise are converted to XML format these days. It is a versatile content format that can be accessed from different platforms.

XML conversion also eases the process of sharing across software and operating systems. 

  • ePUB Conversion

Digital publishers often choose the ePUB format, as it supports audio and video files. ePUB3 also offers hyperlinks for local and external content and has SEO optimization capabilities. Authors especially opt for content conversion services to convert their Word files into ePUBs that are more shareable and easy to use.

  • Conversion Through OCR

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a tool that converts scanned images into text. The data is extracted and stored in TIFF format. Digitization through OCR allows the documents to be edited, and you can also search for information in the file through keywords.

Advantages of Converting Content 

Content conversion services have their share of pros: 

  • Enhances Compatibility

Content conversion protects valuable documents, books, and other data from getting lost. However, the whole enterprise will be a waste if the digital versions are not compatible with devices like computers, mobile phones, ebook readers, MAC, and other devices.

Hence, content conversion services ensure that all the formats, like PDF, ePub, Word, etc., are supported across all platforms and devices.

  • Shareable

Content conversion services help share content across several platforms without any hassle. The same documents can be accessed across the world by numerous people at the same time. 

  • Cost-Effective

Digital content can be saved on servers, accessed from different devices, and edited easily. To make any changes to paper documents, you must find them and then make the appropriate changes in a new copy. Thus, content conversion services are more cost-effective. 

  • Quality is Superior

Content conversion is performed with the quality of content in mind. Businesses don’t want digital content to be unreadable or uninteresting.

Hence, content conversion services work to choose the appropriate font, text size, colour, page size and other details while creating digital content. They also check the formatting, grammatical errors, or typos before uploading the final product. 

  • SEO-Friendly

Publishers and businesses want their content to reach more audiences to attract more customers. Content conversion services use the right keywords to make the documents SEO-optimised and push them to the maximum number of people.

For eBooks, the effects of SEO optimization are particularly evident, as the better the reach of the eBook, the higher the sales. 

Content Conversion and Publishing 

Content conversion services have transformed the publishing industry drastically. People want to read books while they commute to work or during college breaks, but it becomes difficult to carry a paper book around all the time.

Hence, publishers have embraced the digitization process through content conversion and created digital versions of the hardcopy. These ebooks can be downloaded and read on mobile phones and eBook readers on the go. 

Of course, digital conversion of books increases audience reach and sales of the book, but the actual process requires skilled professionals and advanced technology.

Hence, publishers often outsource their conversion requirements. Content conversion services not only convert paper books to digital files but also make them SEO-optimized and look after the marketing aspects.


Content conversion streamlines operations, improves business outputs, and eliminates the loss of vital documents.

Digital documents like brochures, online medical reports, financial statements, project analyses, budget reports, etc., have made paper documents redundant across industries. Content conversion services offer great deals for outsourcing your digitization tasks.

Hurix Digital is a comprehensive platform for digital publishing and content conversion, as we offer features to support eBooks across all platforms. If you are a business looking to convert all your physical documents into a digital database, Hurix Digital is the platform for you. To learn more, visit our page or write to us at