[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Gamification refers to the process of adding game-like elements to a training program. By incorporating elements such as rewards, leaderboards, competition, and feedback into training, the process aims to engage and motivate learners better for improved learning outcomes.

Using the concept of gamification in training in the context of a corporate environment is one of the ideal ways to keep the employees engaged and help them gain maximum out of the training. 

A recent survey also suggests that more than 80% of the participants felt more engaged and motivated by gamified training, whereas almost 50% of them confirmed being bored during non-gamified training.

For those curious to know more, this post will explore gamification training, its advantages, and how to leverage it to enhance corporate learning.

What Is Gamification in Corporate Training?

Gamification in training refers to a process that helps increase both engagement and improve knowledge retention in learners. 

The process works by incorporating various gaming elements (badges, scores, leaderboards, etc.) into traditional courses to make them more interactive for employees. 

Gamification in corporate training is commonly used in tandem with bite-sized or micro lessons to deliver learning in a more fun and digestible way.

Advantages of Using Gamification in Corporate Training

There are several benefits to using gamification training. Some of them are listed below.

  • Helps in improving knowledge retention and fixing knowledge gaps, if any 
  • Promotes better teamwork, cooperation, and an overall positive company culture 
  • Creates various opportunities for open and transparent conversations with employees about the things that work and the ones that need to be improved 
  • Keep employees up-to-date on the latest industry information, policies, and regulations 
  • Encourage knowledge sharing among employees, staff, teams, and/or departments

How to Gamify Your Corporate Training

The best way to gamify your corporate training programs is by including game mechanics in your lessons. These game mechanics are nothing but the processes that guide as well as rule the employee’s actions and the feedback of the games based on those actions.

Here are some examples of these game mechanics you can use to bring gamification to your corporate training program.


Badges are given to the players/employees as they complete or accomplish a task. 

They typically are shown under an employee’s username on the leaderboard and play a key role in boosting the employee’s confidence and motivation levels that pushes them to do their best.


As the name suggests, leaderboards show employees where they stand in comparison to others, either individually or as a team. 

The key advantage of leaderboards is that they promote friendly competition among employees and motivate them to put more effort into the tasks they are assigned.


Levels are used as a part of gamification in training to keep learners and participants challenged so that they keep learning once they master the basics of their training program.

Points Systems

A points system is nothing but a simple way to keep track of employees’ progress and also to recognize those who have completed training. 

The points in this system can be awarded for finishing specific tasks/ topics during training and can also be used to track employees’ progress.


Scores help employees get a feeling of achieving their goals. Further, they can also view the scores of other people, thus creating a healthy competitive spirit in them.

Rapid Feedback 

Rapid or instant feedback is an immediate response to the learner’s action. 

For instance, during a challenge, the training system can immediately tell them if they’re right and either give or deduct points if they pick an answer to a task.


Since storytelling is something that comes naturally to human beings, it makes sense to include a lot of stories in gamification training to keep employees interested and improve their retention as well.

Collaboration Tasks 

These are the elements that can be used when you follow a team-based approach in gamification. The end goal here is to facilitate better collaboration within a team.

Interactive Learning Environment 

Interactive learning environments are a new and innovative way to keep your learners/employees engaged while they learn. 

This includes aspects such as a PowerPoint presentation or a chat-based interface where you can access different items to learn more.

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training 

Below are some examples of gamification in corporate training to better understand how it works in a corporate setup.

Employee Engagement Training 

Managers are often short of ideas when it comes to getting employees to participate in office meetings and share their opinion/feedback. 

Gamification training is one of the most interesting and easy ways to go about this and open up more communication.

Skill Training 

Skill training is something that an increasing number of businesses are focusing on right now because of the knowledge gaps that exist.

Gamification is an interesting concept that addresses this gap and helps employees stay on top of required as well as relevant skills training on an ongoing basis.

Employee Onboarding Training

Employee onboarding is often considered a boring and monotonous process that most employees don’t enjoy. 

Introducing gamification in onboarding makes it much more fun, thus improving employees’ retention levels of the basic company policies and procedures as well.

To Wrap Up

Bringing gamification into corporate training is worth all the effort. Apart from encouraging active employee participation, it is also an effective strategy for keeping the employees engaged throughout the training. 

Using gamification in their training modules, L&D teams can expedite the overall learning process and also ensure that employees achieve the desired learning outcomes more effectively. 

Lastly, a well-defined and efficient gamification training strategy also offers higher training completion rates and helps in improving recall and retention as well.  

If you are looking to implement gamification in your corporate training solutions, Hurix offers excellent gamified learning solutions. We help you create a powerful learning environment where your staff can connect with the course modules on a deeper level. 

Our gamified learning solutions are tailored to your organizational learning objectives for enhanced learning outcomes.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help meet your specific needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]