[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Businesses of all sizes across sectors are investing in content as a marketing and sales tool. In 2022, revenues generated by content marketing were estimated at roughly $63 billion. By 2026, this vertical is expected to grow to $ 107 billion. Content has emerged as an effective tool to engage with customers and drive traffic and conversions. 

As more consumers go online for their shopping needs, companies are producing more content than ever before to engage them. Due to the volume of content needed, a manual approach is no longer sustainable. Companies want to automate content creation and management processes. 

Adobe, one of the most innovative software companies, has introduced the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to empower business teams to manage all content from a single cloud-based, automated interface.  

In this blog, let’s understand why businesses prioritize using AEM, its advantages, and its impact. 

Also Read: Maximizing The Power Of AEM For Content Management And Delivery

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What is the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

AEM is an Enterprise Content Management System (CMS) by Adobe, which enables businesses to manage content in an efficient, enhanced manner from a single, unified platform.

AEM has several features that simplify the content management process while enabling marketing teams to keep pace with the latest shifts in digital marketing. 

It enables businesses to produce and distribute content at scale and drive multiple projects simultaneously.  

Key Advantages of AEM 

From enhanced measurability to reduced human intervention, here is a snapshot of the key advantages of AEM – 

1. Personalize Your Content 

Today, consumers are inundated by massive amounts of content via multiple channels. Brands struggle to engage with consumers in a meaningful way. The key is to deliver content at the right time to the consumer, based on what they are looking for.

Hyper-personalization is a growing trend that enables consumers to only view relevant content in the channel of their choice. One of the top advantages of using AEM is that it allows for hyper-personalization by effectively using technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and automation. 

2. Multiple Channels, One Platform 

The number of channels through which consumers engage with content is growing, including social media, email, messaging apps, chatbots, and SMS. It’s extremely tedious and unsustainable for digital marketers and social media teams to manage so many channels simultaneously.

Through AEM, they can use just one unified interface to manage all channels. They can create, publish, and distribute content seamlessly through automated processes. 

3. Make Data-Driven Decisions 

Businesses leveraging AEM have access to in-depth data analysis, which enables them to make data-driven decisions.

AEM users can customize dashboards and zero in on the exact data type they want to get a realistic idea of consumer behaviors and needs. 

4. Easy Digital Asset Management 

Companies produce and own a wide range of digital assets in the form of videos, audio, eBooks, white papers, infographics, and other elements. AEM enables easy storage and access to digital assets via a drag-and-drop functionality.

The software also enables adding metadata and tags to make content stored on the cloud easily searchable when updating and sharing.

The security of cloud-based content is a concern for all businesses today. AEM also ensures your content remains safe yet easily accessible from the cloud. It helps institutionalize digital assets, increasing their shelf life and reusability value. 

5. Scale up Content Operations 

AEM enables multiple projects to run at the same time. Editors can use the centralized project dashboard to manage projects simultaneously. Hence, companies looking to scale their operations can do so without any challenge.

Users can add a mix of information to each project, including external links, team information, and task lists. They can also create surveys and digital enrollment forms with speed.

In other words, this is a one-stop shop for a digital marketer’s strategy and planning needs and their content creation, publishing, and distribution needs. This combination helps raise productivity and scale operations. 

6. Easy File Conversion 

Today, almost all content teams require content conversion services at some time or the other. Automatic conversion is a requirement to make content accessible to various audiences in the format of their choice.

AEM’s file conversion capabilities enable content teams to create accessible, multi-channel, multi-format content with speed. 

7. Seamless User Experience 

The scale at which content is being produced is extensive. Hence, digital marketers seek a seamless experience while driving their campaign operations. AEM’s user-friendly interface has made it popular for digital marketers who want a non-cluttered user experience at work.  

Also Read: How AEM is Changing the Game for Media and Entertainment Companies

Impact of Using AEM 

By shifting digital marketing operations to AEM, digital marketers can reduce time spent on various aspects of the work cycle. They can leverage the benefits of automation, AI, and ML, to offer more intuitive content to their customers through the channel of their choice.

The streamlined user experience frees up the bandwidth of digital marketing teams, enabling them to focus on their core role – driving higher Return On Investment (ROI) conversions through their marketing and brand-building campaigns.  

The Takeaway 

If digital marketing will play a strategic and key role in helping your business scale consumer engagement and revenues, then access to a powerful, intuitive content management engine is a must.

AEM has a proven record of delivering a seamless experience for digital managers of some of the biggest companies in the world. Companies ramping up their digital operations can consider leveraging AEM’s platform to build more value for their customers and drive up sales. Partnering with an AEM implementation digital specialist is the best way to make this transformative shift. 

If your business wants to turbocharge content operations, Hurix Digital can step in as an implementation partner to help your team seamlessly shift to the AEM platform. Our in-house teams bring extensive knowledge of the full editorial gamut to a tech-enabled environment to offer a fully finished product.