span data-preserver-spaces=”true”>The global workforce is changing. As a result, the way businesses conduct operations is evolving.

The days are gone when a one-size-fits-all, conventional in-office training sufficed. Today, companies need to get smart about how they offer their Training & Development Programs at the workplace.

One method of training that is poised to be effective in 2023 and beyond is online or e-training.

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This article discusses seven important reasons why you should digitize your training & development programs in 2023.

1. Benefits All Types of Workforces in The Future

Buffer’s State of Remote Work Report shows that about 97% of remote employees want to work remotely until retirement. In addition, a Gallup study estimates that around 75% of remote-capable jobs will be remote or hybrid in the long run.

However, only some work remotely. About 70%-80% of the world’s labor market is in deskless/frontline roles.

Despite the many differences between desk-based remote employees and desk-less workers, the two groups have one thing in common. Neither can attend conventional in-office training & development programs regularly.

Digitized T&D programs will allow your firm to seamlessly provide timely and frequent training to all cadres of employees. That way, every employee is included.

2. Reduces the Resources the Company Needs to Create Training Modules

You can store your training modules for decades when you convert your T&D content from physical to digital format. Today, with cloud computing getting more advanced, you can securely store your T&D material while scaling your storage needs as your company grows. There’s no need to re-make content every time you have a training session coming up.

For example, your company can use a content authoring and distribution tool like Hurix to create your T&D program, store it in a cloud environment and share it with whoever you want, whenever you want. Of course, you need to update the content occasionally to match the changing times, but you can only partially re-make the content again.

3. Allows You to Create Modules that Suit the Employee’s Needs at The Moment 

Research shows that skills like blockchain building, innovation management, digital marketing, UX design, and machine learning, amongst others, will be in demand in 2023. But your employees may only need to learn some of these skills because they may not be relevant to their career trajectory.

When you digitize T&D content, you can ensure it is always available for your employees whenever they need it.

So, let’s say you did a module on blockchain building in 2022. Then, your employees can easily take it up at the start of 2023 and be ready to discharge their jobs as the year progresses. Plus, you can give your team this content in bite-sized pieces.

Micro-content that takes about 1-5 minutes to consume is becoming increasingly popular in 2023. Your team can go through these small pieces of content, repeat practical examples/sessions, and sharpen their skills on their own time. They can even progress from frontline training to managerial training with time. Such content is also more accessible to all your employees.

4. Content Is Safer to Control and Manage 

In physical T&D programs, you may need to give out paper handouts and exercise sheets. Or, you may need to share company document printouts. All of these can be sensitive and important to your company’s competitive advantage.

What if these paper documents fell into the wrong hands? It could wreak a lot of damage to your firm. Digitizing T&D material entails creating and sharing only digital copies of the content.

But more than just digitizing, learning is needed. Forecasts by Interpol show that cybercrime is expected to cost $10.5 trillion by 2025. So you’ll need to have robust protections in place to keep your e-learning modules safe. Luckily, content distribution tools like Hurix also come with Digital Rights Management features and robust data protection elements, which allow you to monitor and control who gets to access your valuable T&D material.

5. Allows You to Combine Multiple Content Formats Into a Single Session 

Did you know that 15% of an hour-long meeting/training needs to be recovered in setting up? That’s 9 minutes! A large contributor to this loss of time is technical issues. From problems setting up the projector to glitches in videos to slow internet connection, a lot can impact how a physical T&D session works, especially when trainers use multi-type content.

Just imagine this happening during every session. How much waste of time, manpower, and resources would that be? Additionally, you may not be able to achieve your goal of using multi-type content for T&D because of these set-up problems.

Digitization of T&D materials can prevent these issues. For one, many digital content creation tools can allow you to create text, memes, GIFs, videos, infographics, polls, quizzes, etc.

Tools like Hurix allow you to club these content formats into a single module, upload them on the distribution platform, and share them with employees for quick consumption.

6. Boosts Learner Retention Rates 

Continuing on the thread of multi-type content, did you know that such versatile training modules can increase learner retention rates? For example, while a lecture-style session has about a 5% retention rate and textual readings have a 10% retention rate, an audio-visual session has a 20% retention rate.

Other types of T&D content have higher learning retention rates, such as – Demonstrations (30%), Live group discussions (50%), Practice experiments/tests/quizzes (75%), and Peer-to-peer learning (90%).

Such training programs can be retained longer and with greater clarity and improve an employee’s performance at work. In addition, your staff will easily adopt newly-taught skills and techniques, make fewer mistakes, and be more willing to ask for help and learn from others.

This will automatically improve performance, reduce job dissatisfaction and reduce workforce attrition.

7. You Plan for And Achieve Organizational Goals More Effectively 

One of the most important reasons for digitizing T&D programs is that digital platforms like Hurix have robust analytics and reporting features. You can use this tool to monitor the T&D program engagement, course completion, and learner retention rates.

You can then map post-training performance to see whether or not the training helped upskill your employees. These insights can also be used to change training content that is proving too challenging or ineffective or to re-organize how content is delivered to learners.

Ultimately, your company can keep your larger business goals in mind to craft engaging learning experiences for your team.

Why Choose Hurix? 

Hurix is a powerful and responsive content authoring and distribution platform designed to empower companies to offer robust training and development programs to their employees.

Hurix’s state-of-the-art platform allows you to do the following.

  • Create multi-type content modules.
  • Organize modules into learner-specific categories.
  • Protect content & intellectual property with powerful DRM and IPR protections.
  • Allow learners access based on identity verification.
  • Store and back-up T&D modules on the cloud.
  • Optimize learning for different devices and OS.
  • Track T&D effectiveness and responsively manage outcomes in 2023.

If this sounds like the perfect tool, try Hurix for your content authoring, distribution, and learning management needs.

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