Short is beautiful when its mobile learning, more so when you have to remember what you read on digital screens having palm sized dimensions for content display.

Microlearning is a way of teaching content to learners in small and very specific nuggets or micro bites. In fact, micro-learning is a trend that is here to stay, more so in the face of the facts that have come to light regarding the learning and retention habits of the new generation. According to studies, by 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce and that the average span of the millennial generation is 90 seconds. So is shorter more effective to address the challenges of dwindling attention spans and distractions?

Addressing the challenges of limited time span:

In a world of endless diversions and dwindling attention spans, the 90/20/8 rule seems to be reigning supreme. The proponents of this rule make some interesting observations about the learning span of human beings, according to which people are more alert during the first 8 minutes of their learning after which their attention begins to wane. After 20 minutes, the attention span witnesses a notable dip, and once they reach the 60-120 minute range, the alertness level slips completely. In mobile learning, a microlearning nugget is usually within a 3 to 5 minutes window, which means that learners can more effectively understand and retain their learning.

Addressing the challenges of the forgetting curve:

According to the theory of the forgetting curve, learners tend to forget nearly 80% of what they have learnt within 30 days if there is no reinforcement to the learning. Microlearning helps to negate the challenge of the forgetting curve as small, concept-specific nuggets can be used to reinforce formal learning for better retention.

Addressing specific learner needs:

Microlearning is not just breaking an 8-hour training module into small nuggets to be consumed by learners at their own pace; in fact, each micro bite is designed to address a specific problem or a definite learner need. Each nugget is kept as crisp as possible while ensuring that it adequately covers a specific learning objective and is easily available to the learners just-in-time, at the moment of their needs. Besides, the microlearning experience is action-oriented, enabling the learners to practice what they are learning in rich media formats.

Empowering learners:

Microlearning empowers learners in the following ways:

  • Flexibility: Learners have the flexibility to learn at their own pace on the device of their choice, be it a smartphone or computer. Besides, they don’t have to log on to their learning management system to access the nugget. Mobile learning is anytime anywhere.
  • Learner-centric: These micro bites can be embedded in the learning path in a flexible way, which means that they can learn what they want, at their own pace, and on a device of their choice. These bites also address specific learner styles of end-users and so add an element of personalization in the learning.
  • Just-in-time: Microlearning makes for great performance support tools as the micro nuggets are available to the users at the time they most need the information.
  • Less time consuming: Since these nuggets can be completed quickly, they are more effective and beneficial to the learners.

These are just some of the reasons why microlearning is emerging as a powerful approach to address the mobile learning goals of the impatient millennials – learners who want their learning to be quick, effective, engaging, more action-oriented and available to them anytime and anywhere.

More and more corporate organizations are embracing microlearning to provide formal and informal learning to their employees to meet their learning and training goals. We, at Hurix Digital, offer microlearning solutions that are affordable and agile, resulting in less expenditure and quick turnaround time for organizations. You can use our elearning solutions for both formal and informal training needs, as standalone learning nuggets, or part of a series or even as performance support tools to create high impact on not only your millennial employees but all other learner profiles also.

Related: Microlearning Design Techniques for a Great Learning Experience