
This article covers 5 methods for converting a standard XML file to a customized XML file.

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is an essential tool for describing structured data in the area of data management and integration. A versatile and standardized format for exchanging data between many systems and applications, XML file conversion is a crucial process in various industries. However, there are times when the default XML format is insufficient to satisfy certain needs, making the conversion to a special XML format necessary.

This article will go over five methods for converting conventional XML to a customized XML format, allowing businesses to adapt their data representation to suit their particular requirements. Learn how to convert to XML file effortlessly.

Also Read: A Beginner’s Guide to XML Content Development

Steps to Convert Standard XML File to Customized XML File

To convert a standard XML file to a customized XML file, you would typically need to follow these general steps:

1.Analyze the Standard XML File

The first step is to analyze the structure and content of the standard XML file to determine changes that need to be made for XML file conversion. You need to identify the elements and attributes in the standard XML file that you want to modify, remove, or add to create the customized XML file.

2. Define the Customized XML Schema

Based on the analysis of the standard XML file, you need to define the schema of the customized XML file. The schema defines the structure of the XML file, including the elements, attributes, and their relationships. You can use a schema language such as XML Schema, RelaxNG, or DTD to define the schema and convert to XML file. 

3. Transform the standard XML File

Once have defined the schema of the customized XML file, need to use an XML transformation tool to convert the standard XML file into the customized XML file. can use XSLT, XQuery, or other transformation languages to apply the changes defined in the customized XML schema to the standard XML file.

4. Validate the Customized XML File

After the transformation, need to validate the customized XML file to ensure that it conforms to the schema defined in step 2. You can use an XML schema validator to validate the customized XML file and ensure it is well-formed and valid. Also, consider tools for converting to XML files. 

5. Test and Refine the Customized XML File

Once have generated the customized XML file, need to test it to ensure that it meets the requirements. If necessary, can refine the schema and transformation rules to make further modifications to the customized XML file, ensuring seamless XML file conversion.

By following these steps, can convert a standard XML file into a customized XML file that meets specific needs.

Tutorial About XML PDF

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language used for storing and transporting data between different systems. If you are looking for a tutorial on XML, there are many resources available online, including PDFs. Consider XML file conversion for seamless data integration. 

Here are some suggestions for finding an XML tutorial PDF:

  1. Search Online: You can search for “XML tutorial PDF” on your favorite search engine and will find many results. You can also add specific keywords, such as “beginner” or “advanced,” to narrow the search.
  2. Visit Educational Websites: Many educational websites offer free PDF tutorials on XML. Some examples include W3Schools, Tutorials Point, and Tutorialspoint. dev.
  3. Check Online Bookstores: Online bookstores such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble offer XML tutorials in PDF format. You can browse their catalogs and find a tutorial that suits their needs.
  4. Look for University Courses: Many universities offer XML courses, and their course materials may be available online in PDF format. You can search for courses on XML and download their course materials.
  5. Join Online Forums: Online forums and discussion groups related to XML may have links to PDF tutorials shared by members. You can join such forums and participate in discussions to find useful resources.

When choosing an XML tutorial PDF, make sure to check the author’s credentials, the publication date, and the relevance to specific needs. It is also recommended to try out the examples provided in the tutorial to reinforce your learning.

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Transform XML to XML Using XSLT

For SML to XML transformation using XSLT, you need to follow these general steps:

1.Create an XSLT File

The first step is to create an XSLT file that defines the transformation rules. You can create the XSLT file using a text editor or an XSLT editor such as Oxygen XML Editor or Altova XMLSpy. The XSLT file contains a set of templates that match the elements in the input XML file and define how they should be transformed.

2. Define the input XML File

You need to define the input XML file that want to transform. You can either provide the input XML file path in the XSLT file or pass it as an argument when executing the XSLT file.

3. Apply the XSLT Transformation

Once have created the XSLT file and defined the input XML file, need to apply the XSLT transformation. You can use an XSLT processor such as Saxon or Xalan to execute the XSLT file and generate the output XML file.

4. Validate the output XML File

After the transformation, need to validate the output XML file to ensure that it conforms to the schema defined. You can use an XML schema validator to validate the output XML file and ensure that it is well-formed and valid.

Also Read: 6 Must-Have XML Add-ons and Integration Tools for Better Productivity

Here is an example of an XSLT file that transforms an input XML file by adding a new element:

In this example, the XSLT file defines a template that matches the root element of the input XML file and adds a new element “newElement” with the content “new content.” The template also includes two additional templates that copy the existing nodes and attributes of the input XML file.

You can execute this XSLT file using an XSLT processor and an input XML file, and the processor will generate an output XML file that includes the new element.

How to Use XML To XML Converter

There are many XML to XML converter tools available online that cabe usedse to convert one XML format to another. Here are the general steps to use an XML to XML converter:

1. Choose an XML to XML Converter Tool

There are many XML to XML converter tools available online, both free and paid. Some popular examples include XML Converter, Altova MapForce, and Stylus Studio. You can choose one that meets your needs and download or install it.

2. Define the Input XML File

You need to define the input XML file that you want to convert. Most XML to XML converter tools allow importing an XML file from the local computer or a URL. Some tools also support batch processing, which allows to conversion of multiple XML files at once.

3. Define the Output XML File Format

You need to define the output XML file format that want to generate. Most XML to XML converter tools allow you to choose from a variety of output formats, such as XML, HTML, CSV, or JSON. Some tools also allow to customize the output format by defining templates or XSLT stylesheets.

4. Map the Input and Output XML Formats

You need to map the input and output XML formats to define how the conversion should take place. Most XML to XML converter tools provide a visual mapping interface that allows the dragging and dropping of elements from the input and output XML files and defines the transformation rules. Some tools also support advanced features such as conditional mappings, data filtering, and data validation.

5. Convert the XML Files

Once you have defined the input and output XML files and the mapping rules, can convert the XML files using the XML to XML converter tool. The tool will apply the mapping rules and generate the output XML file in the desired format.

6. Validate the output XML File

After the conversion, the output XML file must be validated to ensure that it conforms to the schema defined. can use an XML schema validator to validate the output XML file and ensure that it is well-formed and valid.

Keep in mind that the specific steps and options for using an XML to XML converter tool may vary depending on the tool chosen. It is recommended to read the documentation and tutorials provided by the tool’s developer to learn how to use the tool effectively.

How To Use XML To XML Converter Online

Using an online XML to XML converter is usually a straightforward process. Here are the general steps to follow:

1. Choose an Online XML to XML Converter

There are many online XML-to-XML converter tools available, such as XML Grid, FreeFormatter, and Code Beautify. You can search for an online converter tool on the preferred search engine and choose one that meets your needs.

2. Upload the Input XML File

Most online XML to XML converter tools allow the uploading of an XML file from the local computer or a URL. Click the “Upload” or “Choose file” button on the converter tool’s web page and select the input XML file that you want to convert.

3. Choose the Output XML Format

Most online XML to XML converter tools allow you to choose the output XML format that you want to generate. Select the desired output format from the available options on the converter tool’s web page.

4. Customize the Conversion Options

Depending on the converter tool may be able to customize the conversion options to control how the input XML file is transformed into the output XML file. For example, may be able to select which XML elements or attributes are included or excluded from the output file, or may be able to apply XSLT templates to the input file.

5. Convert the XML Files

Once you have uploaded the input XML file and customized the conversion options, you can click the “Convert” or “Transform” button on the converter tool’s web page. The tool will apply the conversion rules and generate the output XML file in the desired format.

6. Download the output XML File

After the conversion is complete, the online XML to XML converter tool will usually provide a link to download the output XML file. Click the link or button to download the file to your local computer.

7. Validate the output XML File

After downloading the output XML file, it’s a good idea to validate it using an XML schema validator to ensure that it conforms to the schema defined. You can use an online XML validator tool or a standalone XML schema validator tool to perform the validation.

The specific steps and options for using an online XML to XML file conversion may vary depending on the tool chosen. It is recommended to read the documentation and tutorials provided by the tool’s developer to learn how to use the tool effectively.


Improving data representation and satisfying certain organizational requirements is possible by converting ordinary XML to a customized XML format. Businesses can create a seamless transition from standard XML to a customized XML format by following the five stages described in this blog, focusing on XML file conversion.

Hurix offers complete XML conversion services for businesses looking for knowledgeable direction and assistance during this process. Our skilled staff can assist in defining customization specifications, designing unique XML schemas, creating conversion logic, and ensuring correct testing and validation. Reach out to Hurix Digital for a consultation to maximize the use of your XML data and take the first step toward improved data representation with XML file conversion. 

To start your adventure of converting normal XML to a bespoke XML format, get in touch with us right now.