
This blog highlights the crucial role business analysts play in the success of ambitious, high-stakes technology projects through skills like requirement gathering, stakeholder management, and quality assurance oversight.

If it weren’t for business analysts, businesses would lack proper directions.

Today, organizations across sectors undertake ambitious projects that can catapult their businesses to the next level. The cost of projects runs into millions and billions of dollars. The stakes are extremely high, and the success of the project lies in its ability to be planned, executed, and delivered promptly, without going over budget and getting stuck in delays. 

The latter could be due to any number of internal and external factors. This is where the role of a business analyst can prove extremely transformative for a project.

business analyst can accurately gauge the needs of a business, course correct misguided projections, and pass on the exact requirement specs to the project’s developers.

At any given time, the business analyst is in a position to view the project objectively, engage with multiple stakeholders, and be able to pinpoint where the project is headed or stuck.

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In essence, the business analyst is a sort of fulcrum to the project. Here’s a deeper look at their role and the business analyst skills they bring to the table: 

Bridging the Gap Between Developers and Stakeholders

One of the most important skills a business analyst harnesses is the ability to interpret the technology needs of the business and translate these needs into actionable feedback for the developer’s needs.

A business analyst hosts regular meetings with key stakeholders, understands their needs, and then takes this intel to the developer team for amendments. Any loss in translation can result in financial and time losses and extra hours put in by the developer team.

The business analyst is thus a bridge enabling the efficient flow of communication between these two critical stakeholders. 

Crystallizing the Business Purposes

Business analysts tend to understand the practical applications and possibilities of technology so well that sometimes, they can be considered part of the software team.

However, the focus of the business analyst is to stay objective, dissect the purpose of the project, and always keep the software team on track to meet business goals through any tech interventions.

In an agile environment, it is easy for stakeholders to get carried away, but business analysts always have their feet firmly planted on the ground.

They’re Pros at Evangelizing Business Goals

business analyst is the de facto face of the business and assumes the role of giving voice to the business goals in front of various stakeholders.

Impressive presentation skills and the ability to anticipate the needs of the stakeholder in question equip business analysts to win over pitches and expedite the momentum of the project.

Also Read: Why Organizations Need Business Analysis As A Service (BAaaS)?

Business Analysts Can Present the Tough Details

business analyst delves into the project in-depth and plays a key role in elaborating aspects such as loopholes, potential challenges, and any details invisible to the eye.

This task involves navigating difficult conversations and is a crucial part of superior business analyst skills.

Historically, many high-stakes technology projects – from operating systems and digital transformation projects to new mobile phone launches – have failed because the small but pertinent details were missed out on. 

Implementation from A to Z Using Business Analytics

A business analyst is a resident gatekeeper for the length and breadth of a project, and they need to ensure that it is executed to the T. They always have a roadmap in front of them, ensuring that the project is navigated most efficiently and systematically possible.

Business analyst job descriptions also sometimes forget to mention conflict resolution skills. The ability to manage expectations and bring all stakeholders on the same page is an important part of the territory. 

Business Analysts Address Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

For businesses, the key focus always lies on the outcome of the project – ensuring that the final product enables the organization to drive its business goals. It must have long-term, productive value. This is a key functional aspect of the project.

On the other hand, a business analyst also oversees certain non-functional aspects of the project – ensuring that it is executed well, that information flows smoothly, that teams have enough time to build the product, and that there is very limited scope for rework. 

Business Analysts Can Oversee Quality Assurance

Business analysts also bring quality assurance expertise to a project. Testing is a key tool to ensure that the product is ready to take to market. This is one of the most important stages of a project.

Once the product is declared ready, the quality testing phase begins. This includes testing for functionality, overall working condition, and ability to function and deliver results under multiple conditions.

The business analyst may ask the client to also be engaged in the test and record their experiences. Once the feedback is recorded in detail and the business analyst provides actionable feedback, the development team returns to the drawing board and makes amendments.

The last stage is user acceptance testing (UAT), where the application is tested before it goes live. The successful functioning of the product or interface at this stage marks the successful conclusion of the project.

Also Read: Enhancing Your Business with Business Analysis Consultancy Services

Wrap Up: Entrusting Business Analysts

Business analysts play a core leadership role during the entire life cycle of a project. They combine their understanding of technology, the business’s goals and culture, and management skills to steer the project in a way that saves time, money, and effort from start to finish. They understand how to liaise with technical teams and motivate them to deliver their best output in myriad conditions.

The intervention of business analysts translates to cost savings. Hence, their services must be viewed as not a cost but as an investment that delivers huge dividends, by ensuring that the project is always on track. Today, hiring professional business analyst services is regarded as a best practice in a business world where technology is increasingly playing an important role. 

To onboard the best business analysis services for your upcoming projects, Hurix Digital is equipped to partner you with the right business analyst for the job. Start a conversation with us at and access the right expertise for a wide range of tech-powered projects.