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Top 10 Tips to Boost Business Growth by Using Accessibility Solutions

Top 10 Tips to Boost Business Growth by Using Accessibility Solutions


This article explores how incorporating accessibility solutions such as descriptive link titles, keyboard navigation, and alt text not only makes websites inclusive for all users, including those with disabilities but also improves business by potentially increasing ROI. It offers 10 practical tips for implementing these accessibility features.

The topmost priority of a business is growing its audiences and increasing its sales. For that, marketers and business owners try out various tactics and form smart marketing strategies by providing accessibility solutions.

This used to be a very arduous task a few decades ago, as marketers could only make predictions based on their experiences. Thanks to modern technology, we now have all the resources we need to come up with the perfect marketing strategy.

Today’s customers have various different expectations from businesses, and to give them the utmost satisfaction, you must utilize accessibility solutions.

Making accessible content will ensure your business is inclusive and accessible for all kinds of audiences, even those with disabilities. Research shows that 71% of website visitors with disabilities leave a website if it is not accessible.

It’s high time to make web accessibility the new norm because, this way, you not only make a good impression on your audience but also gain more customers in the process. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 ways accessibility solutions stimulate growth in a business.

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What is Web Accessibility?

Web accessibility is when a website utilizes tools and technologies to make it useful for all kinds of visitors, including those who are specially-abled. This encompasses all the disabilities that limit access to the web, including auditory, physical, neurological, visual, speech, and cognitive.

Apart from that, the website becomes even more beneficial for people who do not possess any disabilities because web accessibility also helps older visitors or visitors with slow internet connections.

Also read: Why should businesses look for CPACC certified accessibility service providers.

10 Ways Accessibility Solutions Can Improve Your Business and Increase Revenue

Needless to say, websites that are optimized with accessibility solutions make browsing a smooth experience for everyone.

Here are 10 ways to improve your business with accessibility solutions:

1. Pick a CMS That is Made to Support Accessibility 

The first thing to plan while building a website is choosing the CMS (content management system) wisely. Since your goal is to make the website accessible, it’s crucial that you ensure that the CMS you are using fully supports your plan.

Keep in mind that the layout, theme, plugins, widgets, and all the other elements of your website should be compatible to provide access to all kinds of visitors. 

2. Put Effort into Organizing Headers

Headers play a key role in building a website if they are used the right way. Knowing how to structure headers is crucial when you are making your website accessible.

Keeping all the headers to the point will improve your SEO score and generate more traffic to your website than usual.

3. Write Descriptive Titles for Every Link

To make your website visitors understand the purpose of each link before they click on them, make sure to write descriptive titles.

Most visitors who have severe sight disabilities use screen-reading software, and to allow them to figure out the content used on your website, descriptive titles will be of great help.

4. Use the Right Colors

Colors play a very important role in setting the vibe of your website, so make sure to do your research before you finalize decisions regarding your website.

For example, people with color blindness see certain colors differently, and using such colors on your website may give them the wrong impression of certain things.

Make sure to color code with colors that will be easy on the eyes of visually impaired visitors for CTAs and other important buttons on the website.

5. Create Forms That Support Web Accessibility

When you design forms for your website, you must use proper labels for all the fields through the use of descriptive titles. This allows the audience that uses screen readers to fill in the forms on the website with more accuracy.

6. Use Tabular Data for Tables

Tables make building the layout of a page more convenient, and normal visitors find it easy to attain information from them. However, information on tables is quite difficult to attain for specially-abled visitors.

To sort out this issue, experts recommend using CSS presentation to structure web page layouts instead of tables.

7. Aim to Turn Dynamic Content into Accessible Content

Embedding video content and related GIFs on your website is great for your SEO score and a lasting impression, but to make them more accessible, make sure to include text alternatives and captions.

This will make the user experience of your website equal for all the visitors and will leave a lasting impression. 

8. Ensure that the Website is Easily Navigable with Just the Keyboard

A huge part of web accessibility is making sure that your website provides visitors with a barrier-free navigation experience.

Simple and easy-to-navigate websites are loved by all, and by making your website navigable with just arrow keys, you increase your website’s inclusivity. The website should also be optimized for alternative hardware, like a mouth stick.

9. Use Alt Tags for Photos

Photos are important for all kinds of websites to keep visitors engaged for a longer period of time. However, visually impaired visitors are likely to face issues in this case.

To ensure that both abled and specially-abled visitors make the most of their time spent on your website, make sure to assign alt tags to all the photos you use. This action also helps in boosting your SEO score, so the benefits are way too many. 

10. Improve Your SEO

Utilization of accessibility solutions will not work overnight if you don’t work on your SEO. Making brand content semantic is just as crucial for machines as it is for humans.

Keep in mind that bots of a search engine consume content in pretty much the same way as people with disabilities. So, experts highly recommend improving your SEO score because that’s what helps Google index your brand content properly.

Also read: How does accessibility testing improves your website performance.


As the business world is moving towards betterment, it is making sure that all kinds of customers feel welcomed and included.

To make this change, the first step is to make inclusive and accessible content so that everyone gets the same experience from it. The inclusion of a text-to-speech feature and the use of colorblind-friendly colors on the website will be a complete game changer.

To comply with the guidelines of WCAG and provide equal access to the website for everyone, irrespective of their disabilities and limitations, use Hurix Digital’s accessibility solutions.