
This article discusses the role of subject matter experts in digital transformation. It outlined the roles of SMEs in planning effective transformation strategies. It also provided insights into the benefits of subject matter expertise in the education and development sector.

In an era where rapid change is the only constant, businesses and organizations are constantly seeking ways to adapt, innovate, and transform. However, this may seem daunting at times due to the complexities involved, the uncertainties of the market, and the vast array of technologies and methodologies available.

Despite the shortage of talent and other challenges, the need for skilled developers adept at managing advanced systems continues to surge as companies strive to upgrade their infrastructure.

Subject matter expertise, in this regard, is hailed for its actionable solutions to ensure seamless transformation. It offers a guiding hand, helping companies navigate through these tricky changes.

This article outlines the role of subject matter experts, their transformation strategies, expected outcomes, and the tangible benefits they bring to businesses changing.

Table of Contents:

Who Is a Subject Matter Expert (SME)?

An SME is an expert who has a thorough understanding of a specific technology, substance, process, division, or segment of machinery. SMEs help clients enhance their distinctive skills while addressing specific challenges. SMEs can be found in all fields and divisions.

Subject matter expert examples include IT specialists, pharmaceutical researchers, historians, environmental scientists, financial analysts, mechanical engineers, and so on. Becoming an expert in any specific field is more challenging than it appears. It requires considerable time, effort, research, and continuous learning. Thus, sustained motivation is essential.

For instance, when Apple was creating the Apple Watch’s health features, they collaborated with cardiologists and other medical professionals to ensure the heart rate monitoring and ECG features were accurate and reliable.

Roles of Subject Matter Expert in Ed-Tech

The subject matter expert roles and responsibilities vary from those in the education and development sector; their skills, knowledge, and commitment contribute to guaranteeing the success of e-learning.

Here are some primary responsibilities of a subject matter expert:

  • By locating trouble spots and offering appropriate technological solutions, SMEs can enhance corporate performance.
  • SMEs provide IT developers with the essential direction and technical know-how throughout the whole software development life cycle.
  • SMEs evaluate the prerequisites and necessities for software development and then suggest technological fixes.
  • SMEs monitor an overview of the creation, assessment, and application of technological approaches.
  • SMEs verify technical information, such as system specifications, instruction manuals, and training materials.

Also Read: What is a Subject Matter Expert? Exploring the Role and Responsibilities

How Do Subject Matter Experts Plan Transformation Strategies?

Here are the top five reasons why the roles of subject matter experts are crucial for driving successful transformation:

1. SMEs Identify and Utilize the Required Technology for Specific Issues

Staying updated with the latest technology is essential for identifying the most effective and efficient solutions for a company. Yet, finding the right technology to address a specific challenge can be challenging. A subject matter expert, in this regard, comes to the rescue by offering effective transformation strategies to address the problem.

With their deep knowledge of relevant technology, an SME can help you anticipate future requirements and adequately prepare for them. Their knowledge of the technologies required for a project can help you set achievable objectives, make tactical choices, and enhance company processes.

2. SMEs Help in Driving Effective Training Processes

Subject matter experts who are involved throughout the entire duration of a project possess the most comprehensive knowledge about the system’s functionalities.

Training is also essential in fostering transformation. The SMEs involved in a project not only understand the technical aspects but can also convey this knowledge effectively to others.

Including subject matter expertise has the added benefit of facilitating two-way communication. Due to their affiliation with the business unit, they are familiar with team dynamics and may choose the most appropriate times and means of distribution for essential updates. They serve as excellent liaisons for their teams and will bring up issues, ask questions, or provide the project team with new information. 

3. SMEs Fill Knowledge Gaps to Ensure Smooth Transformation

Any digital transformation must have a strong internal team consisting of subject matter experts. Strategic and effective planning requires a thorough grasp of the potential hazards and dependencies associated with digital transformation projects. 

Assuming that your team possesses all the knowledge to design and roll out a complex, company-wide solution can be risky. As technology and the software market develop over time, there may be gaps in their understanding that could jeopardize the project’s success.

Onboarding subject matter experts who understand and follow changing technologies and market trends will help your firm’s growth in this regard. 

4. SMEs Help in Designing a Plan of Action for Cost-Effective Transformation

The formulation of an executable digital transformation roadmap, alongside a tried-and-true method and practical assistance throughout projects, can all be accomplished with proper subject matter expert skills.

SMEs not only help your team decide which technological infrastructure to invest in but also guide you on how to optimize resources and get the best value for the investment.

Additionally, their skills can help guarantee that your team has the know-how and abilities required to complete the project efficiently.

5. SMEs Help Avoiding Potential Risks by Planning Actionable Solutions in Advance

Potential risks to a project can sometimes go unseen by the team members; however, subject matter experts delve deep into the intricacies and trace any upcoming pitfalls beforehand.

SMEs utilize their technical know-how, experience, and data validation skills to ensure a proactive approach to risk management. By identifying these potential threats early on, SMEs can devise strategies to mitigate them or even prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Also Read: Why SMEs are Important in EdTech Companies?


Technical know-how, business acumen, team management, and professional direction are all necessary for transitions to be successful in the modern business landscape.

In this regard, recognizing the benefits of the roles of subject matter experts is crucial, as it not only enhances the effectiveness of the transformation process but also ensures its alignment with the organization’s strategic objectives.

If you are looking for an efficient subject matter expert to ensure seamless transformation and help your company grow, get in touch with Hurix Digital. At Hurix Digital, we believe in the power of expertise to drive meaningful change and ensure that your business remains at the forefront of industry advancements.

Contact us to learn more!